Pt. 28: a series of summer successes
What a tumultuous summer it’s been so far. We’ve got temperatures goin’ every which way, sunshine and storm clouds taking turns in ruling the sky for an afternoon, and the quiet times are interspersed with moments of world-changing news. Well, I’m happy to tell ya that work at the ranch has been progressin’ steadily as always, though that’s brought forth some world-changing news of its own.
First and foremost, have you taken a gander at the mozzarella-in-making that our fine folks at the lab have been working on? Lemme tell ya, them people sayin’ our dream of making vegan dairy was quite a stretch – they didn’t know the half of it. Rumor has it, that mozzarella-to-be ain’t just for show and is in fact commissioned by a mysterious big player in the pizza business. Having seen that video, this here cowboy can hardly wait to try a slice.
As the seeds of all those dreams are steadily taking root, growing and coming to fruition, so grow our ambitions and the means by which we can achieve them. As for that, we’re now working on requests to enter the markets of the U.S., the U.K., and Singapore. We’ll first be crossing the big pond westwards, towards the pioneer’s dream of old, and are looking forward to sharing some delicious dairy with our American friends as early as 2025. And sure as sunshine, the gold fever’s taken a hold of our stainless steel bovine lady Margaret already. She’s even been spotted at Eindhoven Airport, just waitin’ to hop on that plane.
Back on familiar soil, the first collaborations are well underway with some of the finest cheesemakers, restaurants and dairy farmers a little closer to home. Bearing our buckets of precision-fermented casein and a pocket full of plans, they couldn’t wait to contribute in a veritable myriad of manners. After all, this transition won’t be achieved by just our lonesome selves, but luckily it never was difficult to convince a good person of a good thing’s necessity.
On that note, as the (cheese)wheels of progress move forward, they need more ‘n more hands to keep ‘m turning. Plenty of fine folks have joined our ranks over recent times, and more are needed still. So if you wanna join this band of revolutionary ranchers, check out the job listings and stake your claim!
Well, that about does it for today folks. This midsummer night’s dream of ours ain’t no fantasy, and is in fact about as real as real gets. And if people tell us to “keep dreamin”, we’re gonna do just that. We’ll keep dreamin’ and working hard, and we’ll keep you up to
date with every step we take towards that brighter future. I wish you all a lovely summer, and catch you on the trail.