September 30, 2024

Pt. 29: Autumn’s Bounty

Greetings, kind folks! Allow me to paint, in my usual way, a picture and a story of the world of today. Cause while the sun and the moon have been chasin’ each other, so too have Those Vegan Cowboys been on a ceaseless chase. The quarry of this hunt is the same as it’s always been. We’re talking about a completely sustainable way of making cheese, the same cheese you all know and love, but by lettin’ microbial strains do all the work instead of some sweet ol’ cows. So buckle up and lend me your ear, as I share with you some exciting news from the frontier of fromage.

First of all, Those Vegan Cowboys went and got themselves a tall one! And no, I ain’t talkin’ about a beer, refreshing though this fellow has proven to be. I’m of course referring to our brand new Commercial Chief, Robert ‘The Tall One’ van den Breemer. A bright mind indeed, with heart for the mission and the expertise to back it up. He wasted no time jumping into the saddle, and is headed for FutureFoodTech in London as we speak. He ventures the trail bearing some precious cargo: the Golden Wheel, courtesy of our stainless steel bovine Margaret.

In other news, and as you might’ve gathered on our socials, our head of food science Annabelle and her team have recently conducted a whole array of tests on the very first cheeses made with Margaret’s promising casein. The results are in, and boy do they exceed every expectation.

Turns out that under the right conditions, these animal-free caseins not only give a cheese more stretch, but
can also melt better than the original! The implications of this cannot be overstated, as it means that we need less casein to make the same sorta cheese that we’re aiming for. Needless to say, efficiency and sustainability aren’t the least of our allies. And if we need less casein to make the same product, well, that’s just milling two seeds with one stone.

All that progress don’t come cheap of course, as blazing the trail and pushing the frontier of science has ever been a tough job. Luckily, the worth of our mission is readily recognized by many folks and companies! Most recently, we got word that the VLAIO has awarded Those Vegan Cowboys a subsidy of no less than 3 million euros. We call that a fine decision indeed, and a dollar well spent.

A dollar well spend indeed. By now, we’ve not only seen the very first animal-free Brie, Camembert, Feta and Mozzarella, but even the first makings of a genuine Gouda cheese! All this excitin’ news hasn’t escaped the notice of the media, the latest moments in the spotlight
being on Belgian national television. We’ll gratefully make use of any chance we get to spread the word.

All in all, things couldn’t be going much better. With the autumn winds at our back, we’re sailing straight to the shimmering shores of a brighter future. Rest assured that we’ll take you along for that journey, and keep you updated every step of the way. Until next we meet!

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